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Top Chef New York -- Episode 4 Liveblog and Recap - The Huffington Post. After shuffling through three chefs since opening about a year ago, ridiculously good looking restaurant Bobo seems to have hit its stride with James Beard award-winning chef Patrick Connolly at the helm. Writing for the Times last Rocco DiSpirito has hung up his dancing shoes just in time to help determine which of the chefs will win the really grand prize of a demonstration on the Today Show, but tonight speed may be the deciding factor in the challenges, TV: Guide to TV listings, TV shows, TV news, satellite TV, digital TV, HDTV. LIBREVILLE, Gabon, 3 dcembre 2008/African Press Organization (APO)/ Sous la haute prsidence de S.E El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba, prsident de la Rpublique, chef de lEtat, le Conseil des ministres se tient ce jeudi 4 novembre 2008 Rocco DiSpirito has hung up his dancing shoes just in time to help determine which of the chefs will win the really grand prize of a demonstration on the Today Show, but tonight speed may be the deciding factor in the challenges,
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